Weight gain, Weight loss, Face/Skin care, Reduce Cancer, Reduce Diabetics, Low blood pressure/ Get Nutrition/ For Healthy Life TP: 078-6666-030
Monday, March 7, 2016
Body weight gain නීරෝගිමත්ව මහත් වෙන්න
ස්පිරුලිනා පෝෂණීය අතිරේක ආහාරය
* ශරීරයේ මාංශපේශි වර්ධනයට
* ශරීරයට සරිලන බර පවත්වා ගැනීම
* සම නිරෝගිව පවත්වාගැනීමට (මුහුණේ ඇතිවන ලප කැළැල් සඳහා)
* ප්රතිශක්තිකරණ පද්ධතිය ශක්තිමත් කිරීමට
* මන්දපෝෂණ තත්වය මගහරවා ගැනීමට
* ප්රධාන ආහාර වේල් තුලින් මගහැරෙන පෝෂ්ය පදාර්ථ ලබාගැනීමට
* විවිධ අසාත්මිකතා මගහරවා ගැනීමට ප්රතිජිවකයක් වශයෙන්
* ප්රෝටීන් අවශ්යතා, කැල්සියම් අවශ්යතා සඳහා
* මුඛ පිලිකා, අක්මාව හා ඇස ආශ්රිත රෝග නැසීමටත්
ලෝකයේ දැනට සොයාගෙන ඇති ප්රෝටීන්, යකඩ, කැල්සියම්, විටමින් A B C D E හා මිනිස් සිරුරට ලබාගත යුතු අතවශ්ය ඇමයිනෝ ඇසිඩ් 18ක් සහ තවත් පෝෂ්ය පදාර්ථ ගණනාවක් අඩංගු 100% ස්වාභාවික ආහාරයක් වන මෙය කිසිදු කල්තබා ගැනීමේ ක්රමයක් නොමැතිව කැප්සුල් ලෙස ඉතා පහසුවෙන් පරිබෝජනයට ගත හැකි ලෙස නිෂ්පාදනය කර ඇත.
වර්තමානයේ විවිධ ආකාරයේ කෘත්රිම පෝෂක ආහාර ගැනීම නිසා දරුණු අතුරු ආබාධ වලට ලක්වන්නට සිදුවේ. නමුත් අප බෙදාහරින 100% ලංකාවේ නිෂ්පාදිත මෙම ස්වාභාවික අතිරේක පෝෂණ ආහාරය මගින් කිසිදු අහිතකර බවක් නැත. ඉතා ඉහල මිල ගණන් ගෙවා අහිතකර දේවල් ඇඟට ලබා නොගෙන මෙවැනි ගුණාත්මක තත්වයෙන් අනූන ආහාරයක් ඔබට දැන් පහසු මිලට ලබා ගැනීමට හැකිය.
ඔබම අන්තර්ජාලයේ මෙම ශාකයේ පෝෂණීය තත්වය පිළිබඳව සොයා බලන්න.
මෙම නිෂ්පාදනය ISO 22000:2005, GMP, HACCP, ITI, හා ආයුර්වේද දෙපාර්තමේන්තුවේ තත්ව සහතික ලබා ඇත.
දිවයින පුරා බෙදාහැරීම.
මිලදී ගැනීමෙන් පසු ද අවශ්ය විස්තර, භාවිතා කරන ආකාරය සම්බන්දව සේවය සලසමි.
වැඩි විස්තර සඳහා 078-6666-030 අමතන්න.
English description
Spirulina's health benefits
(1) to promote the healthy development of infants and young children: Spirulina is rich in lysine, threonine and other essential amino acids, for infants and young children, especially the lack of breastfeeding infants and young children is extremely important. Rich in minerals and trace elements can be effective in preventing nutritional anemia, is also a partial eclipse supplementary source of good nutrition of children, can gradually correct the partial eclipse of the bad habits.
(2) youth development growth stage of balanced nutrition: young people in puberty, the required nutrients than adults, with learning the heavy, physical fitness and a great, very vulnerable to hidden malnutrition, stunted, memory loss, vision loss and so on. Spirulina offers a balanced variety of nutrients sufficient to absorb sound.
(3) to maintain the energy of adults: significantly accelerate the pace of modern life, food tends to simple, easy, often too much food into delicious dishes, so that accumulation of fat in the body, blood acidic, with social activities, work stress and rest disturbance, no time to exercise, excessive smoking and drinking, etc., will result in metabolism disorders, often feel lack of energy, fatigue, sleepiness, decreased immunity. Spirulina can adjust the body's pH, chlorophyll can purify the blood, removing toxins and cleaning the rectum, contains a variety of amino acids, vitamins, minerals and trace elements can enhance the function of internal organs.
(4) anti aging elderly: human aging is mainly due to a number generated in the metabolism of oxygen free radicals, which destroy human life in a strong molecular structure, leading to cell function decline and accelerate human aging. Spirulina has many anti-aging substance. Such as \u03B2-carotene, vitamin E, \u03B3-linolenic acid and superoxide dismutase, antioxidant effects of these substances through scavenging free radicals, effectively delaying cell senescence, while Spirulina rich in iron, calcium, and easy to absorb of anemia common in the elderly, osteoporosis, hypertension, atherosclerosis, waist, leg pain better assist prevention and treatment.
(5) weight loss, skin care, beauty: Spirulina is rich in nutrients, taken 1 hour before meals, Spirulina, Spirulina phenylalanine can also suppress appetite, relieve diet brings the hunger, malnutrition bitter, so that people lose weight while still maintaining vitality. To keep the skin soft and shiny appearance of the fundamental factors of a balanced nutrition. \u03B2-carotene, superoxide dismutase and \u03B3-linolenic acid in maintaining the physiological elasticity of the skin, eliminate stains and improve the skin inflammation effective. World-famous French luxury cosmetics on the application of the spirulina.
(6) anti-cancer, anti-cancer: taking spirulina, can improve human immunity, reduce the risk of risk of colds and various infections. Spirulina factors, including anti-tumor \u03B2-carotene, phycocyanin and Spirulina polysaccharides and other substances. Free radicals can cause mutations and cancer induction, \u03B2-carotene is the most effective free radical inhibitors. Phycocyanin, Spirulina polysaccharides have been recognized to improve immunity, inhibit or kill tumor cells and reduce the side effects of chemotherapy.
(7), gastroenteritis, peptic ulcer and constipation: Western treatment methods stomach, mainly taken in the way and excess stomach acid, but to make the body more and more weak digestive function, leading to chronic stomach problems, permanently. Spirulina is a basic nutritious food, both in and gastric acid, but also nutritional supplements, including chlorophyll, \u03B2-carotene on intestinal epithelial cells in the repair, regeneration and the promotion of its normal secretory function. Especially for precancerous lesions of atrophic gastritis has a special significance and unique effect prevention. Spirulina can enhance intestinal peristalsis, relieve or eliminate habitual constipation.
(8) Diabetes: Spirulina is rich in vitamins, including vitamin B1 to stabilize sugar metabolism; vitamin B6, magnesium, and \u03B3-linolenic acid can promote the synthesis of **** to promote functional recovery of **** secretion, so that blood sugar drop. The role of regulating lipids of Spirulina, which will help delay or prevent diabetes complications.
(9) cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases: Spirulina contains \u03B3-linolenic acid can reduce the body's blood cholesterol levels, containing chlorophyll, serine, potassium and vitamin B6 helps the body synthesis of choline, help to reduce blood lipid, lower blood pressure reduce blood viscosity, maintaining blood vessel elasticity, preventing atherosclerosis, heart disease and stroke prevention.
(10) Nutritional iron deficiency anemia: Spirulina is known to high iron content, the iron in Spirulina is 60% higher than the sulfate, and the effect of higher natural iron. Also rich in vitamin B12 and **** can significantly promote the formation of red blood cells to increase hemoglobin and improve anemia.
(11) liver disease: Spirulina is rich in vitamins and high-quality protein, good Liver detoxification, repair liver damage effects. High levels of methionine and serine, magnesium and vitamin B6 in the aid, a large number of in vivo synthesis of choline, the prevention of fatty liver, cirrhosis of the liver has an unexpected effect.
(12) kidney disease: a lot of heavy metal residues in food and drugs are toxic to the kidneys, the chlorophyll content of spirulina is 10 times more than ordinary vegetables, can purify the blood, accelerate the excretion of metabolic waste such as mercury and drugs, play renoprotective effect.
(13) rheumatoid arthritis: Spirulina by increasing the body's immune system, especially \u03B3-linolenic acid contained in (GLA) on rheumatoid arthritis patients with very good effect of adjuvant therapy.
(14) anti-radiation: Effect of Spirulina increases physical immunity, can effectively eliminate or mitigate the computer, television, microwave ovens and other appliances of the toxicity of radiation on the inhibition of bone marrow cells.
(15) AIDS: National Cancer Institute after three years, the anti-HIV Spirulina research found that: some of the chemical composition of Spirulina has obvious anti-HIV (AIDS) activity of these substances as sugar fat and fat acid glycosides. Spirulina 5-8% lipid content, of which 59% of glycolipids containing sulfuric acid glycosides 2-5% fat.
Spirulina in the choice of when you choose a good nutritional content, and good algae species (such as our production) content per capsule of 0.5 grams of Spirulina platensis best, daily consumption of 6-12 tablets (can be any election, of course, in order con*** only, no side effects.) You will adhere to three to six months is very good for conditioning.
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